RHCSA Exam Prep $99

RHCSA December special, please take advantage of this discounted course, only $99. This is the ultimate RHCSA Preparation course.  Learn from a 25 year UNIX veteran, and not for courses but real world experience managing and operating Linux/Unix variants. We provide access to a real Redhat system to conduct practice…

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RHCSA Exam Preparation

This is the ultimate RHCSA Preparation course.  Learn from a 25 year UNIX veteran, and not for courses but real world experience managing and operating Linux/Unix variants. We provide access to a real Redhat system to conduct practice exam.  Absolutely NO other online course provides this type of service.  Its…

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WordPress for Non-Technical People

This course teaches you to build beautiful professional websites without knowing how to code html, or css, or any web technology.  If you have basic computers skills, if you can create documents in a word processor like MS-Word, you can create any site you want or need.  WordPress is designed to…

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